

drink kroger crystal light.

yeah that title is like a reminder to go and ride my bike to kroger today. i need some more of that crystal light powder. and what's great is that the kroger brand has ZERO cals while the regular and more expensive crystal light has FIVE! and in the quantity that i eat it in, that adds up!

so i'm trying to drink a ton of water today. you know like challenge myself to drink it and then see if i neeeedd food. take that! i already c&s some cereal and chips so today can't be a fast day (which i've only managed about once in my entire life!) what the freak?

well i really don't have that much to say. i guess i'll update you with yesterday. i ate only fruit. only. which is ok i guess. considering two apples and a bunch or strawberries and grapes. i also can't keep myseld from c&sing cereal in the morning too... i practiced lax for a while too, burned at least 100 i'd say.

hope your weight loss pirsuit is going better than mine...

PIC: love leighton meester, sooo pretty and THIIIN....

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