

Did alright today I guess. I had about 1000 calls today. Once again, I was pretty busy with our latest home improvement project and I had no time to make it to the gym. At least it meant it took my mind off of food to a point.

I will make it to the gym tomorrow and I will also do a nike workout. I go this amazing app called Nike Trainer or something like that with full workouts and how to vids all built in. And me being the sucker I am for great aesthetics, I absolutely love the look of the app as well. Its so clean and easy to use. Must have to tone up.

I think in the past I didn't get the results I wanted out of working out because I was doing solely cardio. I needed toning to show through the skinny fat.

I will do even better tomorrow...

P.S. I started a little thinspo tumblr to help keep me motivated when I have nothing to do and the fridge calls my name.

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