

oh my god i'm back

wow... its been such a long spring semester of my sophomore year. and now i am officially done. i can't wait to put it all behind me and focus on myself now, not just my grades.

i'll bet that all you readers out there are sick of getting these sparse posts every month and then me randomly returning and saying omggggg i'm backkkkkkk.

well i'm officially back, even if it is just for the summer. I am 5 lbs less than i was at this time last year (still pretty big though :P) and i'm here to get skinny.

it's gonna be rough, this summer.
don't give up.
keep ya posted!

PIC: - this girl has the most amazing sense of style, and lucky little body to go with it. sadly all of my other pics from lookbook were rerouted so now all of my old posts have blank images. i think i'll start saving them to my computer :P

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Restricting is so much easier in summer :) good luck with getting back into it!
