

not so far away, yet so long ago

wow. it has been so freaking long. a whole year. luckily i've been under 150 for about 6 months now so i don't really freak about that anymore. whenever i see the scale creep up a pound i literally have a spazz attack and tell myself to eat under 800cals the next day. that seem's to work.

i did manage my weight over the lazy summer by going to the gym pretty much every day. i run 2 miles and walk the last mile for a total burn of almost 300cals a day. i still want to be 120 by the time i am in college. i think that if i just suck it up and start going to the gym again i can so totally get there. i will do this.

thanks to you guys! about 10 more ppl followed even while my blog was dead!

PS - i kinda got into tumblr for a while but i really enjoy blogger so much more. it just is more personalized.

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