


for some odd reason it seems like if i fast...and then for two days i don't care... i lose... has that ever happened to y'all?

i dunno my body is weir - in a bad way.

also i gained and i am so ashamed i'm not even gonna post it until i get back to where i was. i dunno i just kinda... lost myself.


  1. come back babydoll!
    we're all here to help you. <3 but yes, i have totally had that happen to me before.. but then its like oh im losing OMG WHERED THAT FIVE POUNDS COME FROM!? AHH.

    hope youre doing okay girl!
    post if you need some support <3

  2. Yeah that happens me too. It's so so weird but it's great when your body treats you by getting lighter for no reason :D

    Sorry to hear about the gain. You WILL make it up soon though :) you know you can if you put your mind to it. We're here for you.

  3. don't give up! weight is such a weird thing, i bet you haven't even gained that much, if anything at all! keep writing, your posts are so great and i love hearing about what's going on with you! post for support! all 32 of your adoring followers know you can do this!

